There are a million styles of fences, and half the fun of building one is choosing and designing. You will probably see all kinds of fences right in your area.
The construction method shown for the scalloped fence is typical of most fences. If you want to create a different style, here is a summary of the three most popular ones:
Alternative board fence
This fence looks equally good on both sides, is very easy to build, provides good ventilation, and follows the contours of the ground well.
This fence is an example of installing posts without worrying about the height and cutting the posts after the top stringer is nailed down.
Cut the tops of the posts on the alternative board railing to length after the top stringer is nailed. This is a dangerous cut because the saw could fly out of your control. You can use a hacksaw for more safety.
This greatly speeds up the setup of posts. The 1×6 fence boards should be spaced approximately 3-1/2 inches apart on each side (use a jig), though the last few can be modified to fit.
Picket fence
This is one of the easiest fences to make. It provides more visual borders than privacy or protection. Fencing vendors sell a wide range of decorative pickets and related poles.
The posts must be buried to a depth of at least 24 inches and are usually 7 feet long. You can only use rammed earth for the cash register on intermediate posts, but concrete is better and should be used on the corner, end, and gate posts. Standard pickets are 1×4, about 2-1/2 inches apart, and stringers are 27 inches apart at 4 feet. hedge. Use four nails per picket.
Overlapping fence with grating
This is one of the most difficult fences to build, although it is also the one that will save you the most money by making it yourself.
It provides good privacy, is very durable (because of the overlapping boards), is difficult to climb, and looks stylish for slopes. It should descend in steps. A table saw is almost a must to cut thin strips of nails for this fence.
The posts are long and topped with a beveled cover cut on a table saw in this example. You can adapt this design to make the fence fully slatted or fully overlapped with the board—construction details.
Sometimes the work is too big to do it yourself. Sometimes it’s too difficult. Sometimes it’s too dirty, too intimidating, too laborious, too heavy, too smelly, or too many wires sticking out of it (that’s three for me). So, you hire a professional for this.
On the other hand, building a fence is a different job – it’s one job you should leave to yourself. Even if you’ve never done anything more than a doghouse, building a fence is a great DIY project.
Look at the benefits: You don’t need fancy tools; it won’t disrupt your family’s life like some big projects; fences look great, but do not require carpentry skills; and finally, if you screw up (God forbid!), you won’t damage your house.
But the best thing would be your fence. Look at it as you pull up – it’s handsome and impressive. Get up close and wiggle that rack – it’s strong and durable. Put your cheek against the tree and look down the length – this is perfect. And you did it. It also does the practical things you wanted a fence to do in the first place, like keeping your dogs inside or nosy neighbours.
This story will show you how to easily and successfully build a typical wooden fence. You can build plenty of other types of fences, from the simplest prefabricated panel fence to elaborate historical designs. Still, these techniques will help make your fence the “most likely to succeed” project, no matter which one you choose.
Austin Fence Company is the best fence company in Austin, Texas. We specialize in all types of fences, and we can provide you with a free estimate for your project!